Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Custom Exu 6" SOLD

Custom Exu for Elba Rivera SOLD. Approx 6"

Saturday, 15 December 2012

New 6" Esu Head. SOLD

Pictures really do not do this fellow any justice at all. He was made for a commission for an Awo in the USA. I'm very proud of this first-ever-by-me top-loaded head.

Saturday, 8 December 2012

SOLD Banté, (Literally, "loin cloth") for Iyá batá drum. 2010. Czech and chinese seed beads, assorted European and Chinese fancy beads, ackee seeds, Yoruba koli beads, cowrie shells, goat hair, on cotton, sewn and pasted. Made as one of a set of 3 banté and a hanging banner for babalawo Awoyinfa Kori Ifaloju between 2010 and 2012.